How To Select Indoor Plants For Better Sleep

by Admin
How to Select Indoor Plants for Better Sleep


Indoor plants can help improve the air quality in your home and boost your mood. But not all indoor plants are created equal. Some types of indoor plants are better for sleep than others. Read on to learn how you can use indoor plants to improve both your sleep and overall health.


LavenderLavender is a flowering plant, so it does not need to be replanted yearly. It can grow as tall as 6 feet with purple or pink flowers and leaves that have a strong fragrance. The scent of lavender has been used in aromatherapy for centuries, both for its health benefits and calming effects. Lavender is also known for repelling pests such as ants and fleas by emitting an odour that deters them from approaching the plant. This makes it ideal for keeping away insects like mosquitoes in your home, especially those pesky blood-suckers who are more likely to bite at dusk or dawn when you’re trying to get some rest.

In addition to its antibacterial properties, lavender releases the hormone melatonin, which helps regulate the body’s circadian rhythm and promote sleep. Lavender plants can be grown indoors or out, depending on your climate and whether you want them as an indoor decoration or an outdoor plant.

If you are growing your lavender indoors, choose a pot that will suit its size when it grows up; it should be planted in rich soil with plenty of organic matter mixed in. If you’re planting outdoors, prepare the soil by adding compost or manure before planting.

Lavender generally grows best in full sun but will tolerate partial shade as well as full shade; however, it may not produce flowers under these conditions. It prefers sandy soil but can tolerate clay soil if given enough water. Lavender plants like average watering more than they need frequent watering; they should be watered thoroughly once every week or two during hot weather and every three weeks in cooler weather with sufficient drainage provided so that the soil doesn’t become soggy and overwatering does not occur.

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JasmineJasmine is a flowering plant with fragrant white or pink flowers. It’s a popular ornamental plant, and its flowers are used in perfumes. Jasmine is native to tropical and subtropical regions of Asia, including India, China, Japan and Indonesia. You can order jasmine plants online from various indoor plant online sellers or look for local nurseries that carry them.The benefits of jasmine are numerous. It can be grown in sunny or shady locations, and it requires little maintenance. It will bloom throughout the year if given proper care and water. It can also be used as an indoor houseplant or outdoors in sunny locations.Jasmine does not require much light or water, so it can grow well even if you live in a dry climate or have low humidity levels in your home. The plant grows best when exposed to bright light during the day and indirect sunlight at night, but it will still thrive without direct sunlight if watered regularly throughout the day.The flowers give off a sweet scent that can help calm anxiety and stress levels while helping users fall asleep faster at night by reducing cortisol levels in their bodies. It also helps improve memory function by preventing oxidative damage from free radicals produced during normal cell processes. Jasmine also helps reduce inflammation caused by allergies or asthma symptoms. This makes it an ideal choice for those.

Peace lily

Peace lilyThe peace lily is an excellent choice for people who are sensitive to allergens. It is known to be non-toxic and safe for pets, including cats, dogs and even birds. A peace lily is also a good option if you have allergies yourself.

This plant thrives in low lighting conditions, making it perfect for those with limited natural light in their home or office space. It’s an especially good pick if you live in a city or area where pollution levels are high.

The peace lily provides a calming environment in your home by removing formaldehyde and benzene from the air. Formaldehyde causes respiratory problems and headaches. Benzene is a known carcinogen that can cause cancer. The peace lily will remove these pollutants from your home’s air so you breathe easier and have fewer health concerns.

Peace lilies also act as natural humidifiers, which can help with dry skin, allergies, and asthma in some people. They are also great for improving your mood if you suffer from the seasonal affective disorder (SAD). SAD is like the winter blues: when the days get shorter and colder outside our bodies produce less serotonin (a chemical responsible for regulating moods), which leads to depression-like symptoms such as feeling sad or hopeless about things in life. These feelings can be reversed by spending time outdoors during daylight hours when there is more sunlight available; however indoor plants like peace lilies can also help brighten up dark rooms in winter months when there isn’t much sunlight coming through windows.

" Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn." - Mahatma Gandhi

Aloe vera

Aloe veraAloe vera is a succulent plant that can be grown indoors, as it requires low light and minimal watering. Succulents are plants that have thick leaves, stems or roots to store water so they can survive in dry conditions. They are also very easy to propagate from cuttings; this makes them versatile for use in home decor.

Aloe vera has many health benefits, including helping to treat burns and skin irritations due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It also contains vitamins A and C which help strengthen your immune system.

In addition to its calming effects on the body, aloe vera has been shown to help improve breathing and lower blood pressure, making it a great choice for anyone with asthma or high blood pressure. It also helps to reduce inflammation in the body, making it useful for fighting off colds and other illnesses.

Aloe vera can be grown indoors with little effort or expense. You don’t need much light for this plant, so you can put it in any room without worrying about whether it will get enough sun exposure. Aloe vera does best when it’s watered once every two weeks or so make sure not to over-water it.  And if you want to fertilize your aloe vera plant, that’s fine too just use a balanced fertilizer once every two months or so.

Gerbera daisy

Gerbera daisyGerbera daisies are a great choice for indoor plants. They are easy to grow and don’t require much maintenance, which makes them perfect for busy people who want to enjoy the benefits of living with lush greenery in their homes.

Gerbera daisies also have a wide range of uses, from simple decoration to help purify the air in your home, making them a great choice for anyone looking to make their indoor space more beautiful or healthier.

Gerbera daisies are easy to care for: they thrive with bright light and at least six hours of sunlight every day. They do best when planted in soil that’s rich in nutrients and well-drained, so if your soil is sandy or clayey, try mixing organic compost into it before planting. Gerbera daisies don’t need much water: just enough to keep their leaves from wilting (about once a week). If you live in an area with cold winters, you can bring your gerberas indoors during the winter months; otherwise, they’ll survive outdoors as long as they’re protected from frosty weather.

Snake plant (Mother-in-law’s tongue)

Snake plantThe snake plant (aka mother-in-law’s tongue, or ribbon plant) is a unique variety of houseplants that can be found in most nurseries. The key to its popularity is its ability to thrive in low-light conditions. In addition to being easy on your budget, this plant requires very little maintenance and can even survive for a long time without water. This makes it a great choice for those who don’t have much time, space or money available for their plants.

While it may not be the first thing you think about when buying indoor plants, the snake plant is an excellent choice if you’re looking for something that matches your home decor while also helping improve your sleep quality at night.

"Think in the morning. Act in the noon. Eat in the evening. Sleep in the night." - William Blake

Golden pothos (Devil’s ivy)

Golden pothosGolden pothos, also known as devil’s ivy, is a beautiful and easy-to-care-for vine with small heart-shaped leaves. This plant is great for beginners because it requires little attention and has low light requirements. It also doesn’t need much water or fertilizer, just keep the soil moist at all times.

To grow golden pothos, place the stems in water until roots form (about one week). Once you have rooted your cuttings, remove them from the liquid and place them in a pot filled with moist but not soggy soil. You can use any good-quality potting soil for this purpose.


Bromeliad​​Bromeliads are one of the most popular indoor plants for homes, offices, and dorm rooms because they’re easy to care for and their leaves can be used in a variety of ways.

They are also known as air plants, which means they don’t need soil to grow. They absorb water through their leaves, which are covered by scales that act like miniature sponges. The water is then carried down to the base of the plant through its centre tube.

This makes bromeliads great choices for people who want a plant but don’t want to worry about watering them or changing its soil regularly. They’re also great for people who don’t have much space, bromeliads will thrive on any windowsill or tabletop.

Bromeliads are available in many colours and sizes; you can find them in reds, greens, blues, purples, pinks even black. Some have distinct markings on their leaves while others have speckled patterns throughout their leaves’ surfaces all of which make them beautiful additions to any room where you might want some extra colour (or just something unique). Bromeliads can help improve sleep quality because they release oxygen into your home at night.


Indoor plants are a great way to improve your home’s air quality, but they can also be used as part of your bedroom décor. If you want to sleep better, consider adding a few indoor plants to your bedroom. They will help you get better quality rest at night by purifying the air and improving its humidity level.

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